About The Event

Experience the Convergence of Apologetics and Culture! 

Join us for an exciting two-day summit where faith and culture unite. Engage with powerful keynote presentations, choose from 20+ dynamic breakout sessions, and connect with renowned Apologists and influential voices who are shaping today’s digital landscape for the Gospel. Prepare to be inspired, equipped, and energized in a truly unique setting!


Grace Community Church
4080 Lakewood Ranch Blvd N
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34240


March 17-18, 2025
Monday and Tuesday

2025 Event Speakers

Lee Stobel

Lee Strobel


Dr. Chip Bennett

Dr. Chip Bennett

Grace Community Church

Dr. Mike Licona

Dr. Mike Licona


Dr. Braxton Hunter

Dr. Braxton Hunter

Trinity Theological Seminary

Speaker 6

Jon McCray

Whaddo You Meme?

Allen Parr - Let's Equip

Allen Parr


Michael Jones - Inspiring Philosophy

Michael Jones

Inspiring Philosophy

Nathan Sutherland

Nathan Sutherland

Gospel Tech

Mary Jo Sharp

Mary Jo Sharp


Christine Sneeringer

Christine Sneeringer

Event Schedule

Here is our event schedule.

Daily Event Schedule

Registration Begins/Doors Open

Main Session: Dr. Mike Licona - Why Are There Differences in the Gospels?

Alleged contradictions in the Gospels is perhaps the most common objection to their being historically reliable sources about Jesus. Mike Licona discusses how the ancient literary devices used by all ancient historians often resulted in the types of discrepancies we observe in the Gospels and in most ancient literature.

Main Session: Allen Parr - 10 Proven Tips to Elevate Your Apologetics Game

Breakout Session Options #1

  • Core Facts - Dr. Braxton Hunter
    What Does It Mean To Be A Christian? Dr. Braxton Hunter walks through the core facts that make Christianity true. This breakout is based on his book Core Facts.    

  • Why I Still Believe: My Desire to Walk Away and the Reasons I Stayed - Mary Jo Sharp
    At a time when de-conversion stories have become all too common, Mary Jo gives an earnest response through sharing her own journey of struggling with hypocrisy in the church and with doubt. She offers a candid and approachable case for why she ended up with the irresistible hope of Jesus Christ. (Based on the book, "Why I Still Believe")

  • Love God. Use Tech. (not the other way around) - Nathan Sutherland
    Learn to identify the two types of tech, assess tech health, and use all the tech that makes us look more like Jesus.


  • A food truck "village" featuring different cuisines will be selling food in the parking lot.

  • Breakout Session Options #2

  • Spiritual but Not Religious: How New Age Beliefs are Infiltrating the Church - Alisa Childers
    Have you ever heard the phrase, “I’m spiritual but not religious.”? Many people think “New Age” is out of date. The reason they think that is because it is operating under a new brand: New Spirituality. This New Spirituality is one of the most popular views today, which approaches religion as a buffet. Pick what you like and leave out what you don’t. It’s New Age with a modern makeover. In this talk, Alisa will walk the audience through some of the pillars of New Spirituality and give a biblical response.

  • The Problem of Evil - Michael Jones
    Solving evil and suffering using sci-fi and fantasy movies.

  • Did The Resurrection Really Occur? - Allen Parr
    This session will focus on showing the participants how to use both biblical sources and non-biblical sources to give strong evidence that the resurrection of Jesus was an actual event in human history

  • Breakout Session Options #3

  • Christology - Dr. Chip Bennett
    Understanding the nature and work of Jesus in the Bible.

  • Reliability of The Bible - Dr. Braxton Hunter
    Is the Bible true? How do we know? Dr. Braxton Hunter explores the answer.

  • How to Build a Following on Social Media - Jon McCray (WhaddoYouMeme)
    Jon McCray talks about Youtube and developing content creation strategies to build a following.

  • Breakout Session Options #4

  • A Fresh Look at the Doctrines of the Inspiration & Inerrancy of Scripture - Dr. Mike Licona
    Many Christians sense tensions between how they imagine inspiration took place and the resulting Bible we have today. Is our understanding of how inspiration occurred in need of some tweaking in order to bring our view of Scripture into harmony with what we observe in Scripture? Find out in this session.

  • Is Christianity Recycled Pagan Mythology? - Michael Jones (Inspiring Philosophy)
    Michael Jones explains why this is not the case.

  • Tech's Big Two - Nathan Sutherland
    Bring gospel hope to our conversations and practices around smartphones and video games.

  • Main Session: Lee Strobel

    Doors Open

    Main Session: Mary Jo Sharp - Deconstruction and Doubt: Holding onto Faith When Others Are Letting Go - Discovering doubts about and scrutinizing belief in God doesn't always lead to abandoning faith. Mary Jo shares her journey of grappling with doubt

    Main Session: Dr. Chip Bennett

    Breakout Session Options #1

  • Literary Themes - Dr. Chip Bennett
    Dr. Chip Bennett lays out how the use of literary devices and themes unify the books that make up the Bible making a case for divine authorship.

  • Living With Christ's Freedom in a Porn-Saturated World - Nathan Sutherland
    Pornography is a conversation we need for ourselves, and for our kids. In Christ we are new creations, and we live in bodies that have old habits. This conversation addresses the Biblical truths, scientific realities, and spiritual practices we need to live out the freedom we have in Christ.

  • The Problem of Evil - Michael Jones
    Solving evil and suffering using sci-fi and fantasy movies.


  • A food truck "village" featuring different cuisines will be selling food in the parking lot.

  • Breakout Session Options #2

  • Why should others believe Christianity is true in the face of so many worldviews? - Dr. Mike Licona
    Must we accept it entirely on faith? Are there any hard-core facts? A sober historical investigation surprisingly reveals that Jesus’ resurrection was an event in history.

  • AI in Apologetics: Leveraging Tech for Truth - Allen Parr
    you’ll discover how cutting-edge AI tools can take your apologetics to the next level. This session will show you how to use AI to identify logical fallacies, quickly summarize complex arguments, and even practice defending your faith against a chatbot designed to challenge your beliefs. You’ll also learn how to create compelling apologetic presentations with AI’s help. Whether you’re new to technology or a seasoned pro, this session will equip you with practical tools to sharpen your defense of the faith in today’s digital age.

  • How Christianity is Responsible for Creating Science - Michael Jones (Inspiring Philosophy)

  • Breakout Session Options #3

  • Responding to the ‘Intolerance’ of the New Tolerance - Mary Jo Sharp
    We inhabit a world where truth often gives way to falsehoods. One significant shift affecting Christians is the exchange of tolerance for intolerance. The boundaries of what constitutes offense and what does not are increasingly blurry, with the term "offensive" more often linked to Christian beliefs. Phrases like "Who are you to judge?" and "that's hate speech" are commonplace today. In this session, we will explore constructive ways for Christians to navigate accusations of intolerance with grace and clarity.

  • Here's Why We Believe The Universe Is Designed - Dr. Braxton Hunter
    Dr. Braxton Hunter provides an understandable and relatable explanation of why you can be confident that the universe is the result of an intelligent designer.

  • How to Build a Following on Social Media - Jon McCray (WhaddoYouMeme)
    Jon McCray talks about Youtube and developing content creation strategies to build a following.

  • Breakout Session Options #4

  • Progressive Christianity: A Biblical Response to a Growing Movement - Alisa Childers
    Alisa walks us through the history, key beliefs, and key figures of the movement of progressive Christianity, and ultimately show how progressive Christianity is at odds with historic Christianity and even disagrees with Jesus on what the Bible is, what Jesus accomplished on the cross, and the definition of the gospel.

  • Core Facts - Dr. Braxton Hunter
    What Does It Mean To Be A Christian? Dr. Braxton Hunter walks through the core facts that make Christianity true. This breakout is based on his book Core Facts.    

  • Gospel Conversations with the Transgender & Gay Community - Christine Sneeringer
    In this Breakout, a former lesbian who struggled for more than two decades with gender dysphoria, shares practical takeaways from her and other detransitioner stories on how we can have gospel conversations with those in the LGBT community.

  • Main Session: Alisa Childers

    *Breakout sessions content/speakers are subject to change.

    Event Venue

    Event venue location info and gallery

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    Adult Admission


    * Scholarship and financial aid available please contact jordan@gracesarasota.com for more information

    Contact Us


    4080 Lakewood Ranch Blvd N
    Lakewood Ranch, FL 34240

    Phone Number

    (941) 921-5784